The AphrikeResearch is a database and networking portal that provides a centralised platform for information that:

  • profiles and records African scientists, students and research managers in order to promote intra Africa collaboration and interventions for SDG realisation
  • makes easy identification of collaborators, mentors and funding opportunities
  • profile funders (specific fields/priorities/countries)
The portal also:
  • maps the role of each party in the network
  • mobilizes interaction between research managers, policy makers, researchers and research students
  • provides a resource for STI and R&D strategy planning - who is involved & in what research.

Find Research Collaborators

Researchers can find collaborators and follow them. This feature becomes handy if there are multinational funding opportunities that requires regional collaboration of some sort

Student Search for Potential Supervisors

Students are able to search based on discipline, research specialization, and/or research interest in order to determine matches for their potential supervisors.

Research Managers' Profiling Tool

This tool may assist for planning purposes. E.g. when you want to launch a call targeting a particular theme, the demand can be estimated upfront.

Funding Opportunities and Events Portal

Research managers can load funding opportunities in their regions. Regional and international events are featured on the website and users may request to upload their events on the portal for wider distribution

Who is eligible to become a member?ResearchersResearch StudentsResearch ManagersPolicy Makers

Our Partners

AfricArXiv - the African preprint repository platform
LEER South Africa
UHUNU Career Guidance & Learning